type t
| Number of float |
| Boolean of bool |
| String of string |
| Object of (string * t) list |
| MovieClip |
| Null |
| Undefined |
| Reference of int |
| ECMAArray of (string * t) list |
| ObjectEnd |
| StrictArray of t array |
| Date of Core.Time.t |
| LongString of string |
| Unsupported |
| RecordSet |
| XMLDocument of string |
| TypedObject of typed_object |
| AVMPlusObject |
val to_buffer : t ‑> string
val of_buffer : string ‑> (t, Core_kernel.Error.t) Core.result
val list_of_buffer : string ‑> (t list, Core_kernel.Error.t) Core.result
val buffer_of_list : t list ‑> string
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t ‑> t
val sexp_of_t : t ‑> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val peel_off_buffer : string ‑> (t * string, Core_kernel.Error.t) Core.result
peel_off_buffer buffer
attempts to peel off the first valid AMF value in buffer
. If successful, it returns Result.Ok (value, remainder)
peel_off_list buffer
repeatedly calls peel_off_buffer
until it either returns an error or it successfully parses all the items in the buffer.
On failure, it returns an error result containing a list of items parsed successfully, the unparsed remainder, and the accompanying error.
On success, it returns an ok result list of the parsed items.